Saturday, November 25, 2017

The End

Each day Donald Trump is President, he degrades the office further. I’ve quickly grown tired of reading, hearing and writing about him.

Now, I’m going after the rest of the U.S. government, the corporations and the American people: THEY produced Trump!

It’s time for a democratic socialist government, one which morally, politically, intellectually and economically regulates this sewer that the United States has become.

The rule of ignorance and stupidity must end. The rule of the universities must begin!

We must end the various injustices of and the destruction of the planet, right now!

Join the socialist revolution! I’m doing so by paying a visit to Revolution Books, seeking work and comrades. Wish me luck!

Craig R. Bayer, 11/25/17

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Panic Attack

Way back in the mid-90’s, I was ranting and raving in chatrooms, letters to the editor and blogs about Donald Trump , Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani and the right wing cancer that was gradually gripping the nation and everybody thought I was  at best an idealistic fool, at worst a problem for society.

Yet here we are, being destroyed by the American right wing and everybody is hell-shocked and unable to figure out what is going on, never mind what to do.

We should have stopped these people in their tracks, before they took over the government, the media, the internet, the peoples’ consciousness. We should have smashed them on all fronts, but everybody was too busy pursuing careers and enjoying the Clinton era.

Now, Donald Trump is Prez, Roy Moore is going to be a Senator and everything about our country and culture is ruined and corrupted. The best and the brightest of the present and past are being ignored, the sixties are dead in the water, the New Deal era, too.

The liberal and radical left wing elites should never have done anything but panic when they saw this coming, but they joked around, instead of cracking down on the national mind.

We need to take control of the education system, the media, the local, state and federal governments, even the churches and synagogues, because they are all diminished by the current national attitude.

Down with reactionary politics! Up with the Progressive Revolution!

Craig R. Bayer, 11/18/17

Monday, August 14, 2017

Entire USA to Be Blamed for Charlottesville Killer

The Charlottesville killer had a fascination with Nazism and the German military. One of his high school teachers tried to steer him clear of that crap, but obviously failed. The killer’s mother claims that she had no idea that he was going to a Nazi rally—she thought he was rallying for Trump, but one wonders how she could have been totally ignorant of his Nazi obsessions and activity.

In any case, I blame all of America, not just his mom, for letting his idiotic ideological explorations go unchecked. The election of Donald Trump was an endorsement of bigotry, but many Americans who don’t consider themselves Nazis or even bigots, went along with it. Trump calls for unity now and then, but his call is insincere: he has no respect for the thoughts and feelings of others.

People whine about political correctness but this is why we have it: the left must be militant about fighting any trace of Nazism, fascism, racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, etc. Let your guard down and you get Charlottesville.

Until people accept the fact that they are their brother’s keeper and that true unity is a requirement, not an option, the madness will perpetuate.

Craig R. Bayer, 8/14/17

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Judaism and Socialism are Compatible

I don’t want to read or hear from any Jew that Judaism and socialism are incompatible. We’re supposed to be committed to one another and being a light unto all nations, a people who will help fix the world. You can’t do that if you commit yourself to capitalism and to being  a money-grubbing maniac. That’s one of the sources of anti-Semitism: the notion that all Jews care about is making money.

Well, this Jew is not toeing the middle class Jewish line: I’m a Jew and a socialist and I’m fighting for my religious, political and literary(I’m an Anglophile, too!) principles until the death!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Small Business

I'm a pragmatic socialist: I respect small business!

The National Stifle Association

Our repulsive President Trump fawningly spoke before the National Rifle Association Convention and that in itself makes me angry.

But what really blew my top was hearing NRA President Wayne LaPierre attack socialism, collectivism, professors, teachers, Bernie Sanders…All of these forces reportedly corrupt the country’s youth , thereby turning them against freedom and individualism.

Firstly, this is not a free country, folks, nor does it respect individualism. Socialism has greater respect for individualism, because it frees ordinary people from economic and social elites and ruthless snobbery, thereby permitting everyone to live the lives they wish to lead.

And arming the people with guns does not make them truly free. In fact, people are submitted to chaos, as a result, and live lives of fear of being blown away by freaks with anti-social agendas.

The NRA should be politically destroyed  for this rhetoric and behavior and should never influence politics ever again. 

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Taking a Bite Out of Crime

For a long time I hated criminals, but now I’ve decided that I just hate crime.

Most criminals are lawbreakers because they started at a disadvantage in life: they were poor or victims of broken homes or racism or are mentally ill or learning disabled.

They fail or drop out of school and never recover. Then, once jailed, virtually nobody wants to rehabilitate them.

I want to create a university that accepts criminals, gives them food, shelter, clothing, remedial classes, mental health counseling, religious counseling. Then it provides them with a first class university education, then it hires them as administrators, professors, and staff or finds them jobs in the public or private sector. I want them trained in the liberal arts, theology, business, communication, law, science, health, mathematics, etc…

I want them to develop a respect for the law and law enforcers, and if they are properly educated, law enforcement will learn to respect them, as well. No more violent episodes between criminals and police.

In essence, I want them to be university men and women, not bums.        

As a result of all this planning, I am pursuing a master’s degree in Literature and in Education Administration, as well.

It’s time to turn this society around. Wish me luck!

Craig R. Bayer, 4/16/17